Do you know who is more prone to cardiovascular Diseases?


Do you know who is more prone to cardiovascular Diseases?


Globally, it was found that cardiovascular diseases are the main reasons for human death.  A group of disorders that interfere with the normal functioning of heart and blood vessels are called as cardiovascular diseases.  The high risk cardiovascular diseases comprises of:

  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Hypertension
  • Peripheral Vascular Diseases
  • Cerebrovascular diseases
  • Rheumatic heart diseases

The set people who are at major risk for development of cardiovascular diseases were those having:
High cholesterol levels, Obesity, High BP, Smoking, Family history, Diabetes.  
Apart from the above reasons some other factors like gender, age, diet also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

1.      High cholesterol levels:   Cholesterol in body plays a role in building of healthy cells and gives them a defined structure. But, presence of high cholesterol levels in body increases the risk of heart diseases by getting accumulated into the arteries. The accumulation of unwanted cholesterol can be reduced by maintaining a healthy diet and by regular exercising.

2.    Obesity: Obesity changes the structure and functioning of heart. It is the main reason for coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis.  It increases risk of atrial fibrillation and cardiac death.  The normal structure and functioning of heart can be regained back by losing weight, which helps in decreasing the thickness of heart muscle.

3.   High Blood Pressure:  The normal blood pressure of a human body is 120/80 mm Hg. If the blood pressure reaches to 140/90 mmHg or high is generally considered to be high BP. High blood pressure damages the artery walls.

4.  Diabetes:  High blood sugar level in body can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control functioning of heart and is the main reason for death in adults.

5.    Smoking: Risk of cardiovascular disease increases with increased number of cigarettes. They swell up and cause inflammation of the blood vessels. Diabetic patients with smoking habit are at major risk.

6.    Gender and age: Females develops cardiovascular diseases very slowly compared to men. But it is a major reason for death in women due to a misunderstanding that females are protected against cardiovascular diseases. Aging causes changes in the functioning of heart and people aged above 65 years are at high risk.

So people with above health complications must take care of their health by consuming nutritious food containing omega 3 fatty acids, by doing daily workouts, by reducing sugar intake or by maintaining blood glucose levels in body and should stop smoking.


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