Healthy Food Habits for a Healthy Heart


Healthy Food Habits for a Healthy Heart


The heart is a pumping organ that supplies blood and oxygen to all the cells present in the body. Now- a-days heart diseases are causing major deaths in people all over the globe. It gets affected by all the aspects of life which includes diet and other regular habits. Accommodation of healthy life style can reduce the risk of heart diseases, cardiac arrest, heart attack along with its risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels in the blood, diabetes etc.

A healthy heart diet aims mainly on reducing sodium levels of blood, fat and intake of cholesterol by avoiding the foods containing saturated fats as well as trans fats. Cardiovascular researchers found that this cardiac diet promotes the intake of omega 3 fatty acids, fibre which is soluble and complex carbohydrates.

Five Pointers for Healthy Heart Diet:

  • Be conscious about the fat intake
  • Limit the usage of salt and processed food
  • Increase the intake of high dietary fibre
  • Focus on vegetable and fruit based diet
  • Exercise regularly

There is no single food that acts magically on heart so the whole diet pattern should be considered. The intake of unsaturated fat increases the levels of good cholesterol in blood. So maintaining a well-balanced diet, daily intake of nutritious food and regular exercise may 
help in good functioning of heart. A healthy and a happy heart lead to a healthy and happy life.


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